Friday, January 29, 2010

Oedipus The King

On the 27th we saw a production of "Oedipus The King". It was quite the interesting piece of theater that is for sure. It was in the traditional Greek style with only three actors on stage, two men and one woman. The first five minutes of the production were quite comical as they started off playing "Around the World" a techno song and dancing along to it. It was quite different than I expected from a traditional Greek play, but also very much appreciated. They basically summarized the whole play in the first 5 minutes during the song and then proceeded to elaborate on the story for about an hour and a half afterwards. It was a little hard to follow at times because only one of the actors played the same character the whole time. The other two were several different characters. The set was very cool, while at the same time being very minimalist. The costumes were very plain and beige for the most part, although they were very versatile for the many different parts that the actors had to portray. Overall, I thought the play was very refreshing and really enjoyable. It was definitely a great way to start off our final stint of plays.

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